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March 2010 Open Meeting Summary 03052010

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/5/2010 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. February minutes read

  2. Change 8(iv) to read as “Donnie’s light bill”

  3. Dalton motioned to accept with the change; Homer seconded

  4. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority)

  5. Financial Report: Iris

  6. $8632.23 on-hand (bills not yet paid this month)

  7. Includes $750 Verizon grant

  8. Resolution RP-03-03-2010-001: Amendment to Change Article IV Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 2 of the Waccamaw Constitution as Ratified in October 2008 received its 1st reading

  9. Dalton suggested changing “majority” to “5 vote majority of the Tribal Council”

  10. Amendment to SB-09-12-2008-001: Establishing Committees Amendment to the Program Committee Resolution

  11. Dalton-yes, Neal-no, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-no, Scott-yes (passed by majority)

  12. PW Committee Voting Membership appointed: Michelle, Susan, Brian, Linda, Craig, Iris, Neal

  13. Linda elected for PW Director: 6y: 0n: 1 absent

  14. Committee Reports

  15. Arts & Crafts: Brian

  16. Artist Certification approved with change

  17. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority)

  18. Committee approved admin manual; now needs Council approval

  19. Mr. Moore (sp?) can sell at PW; Susan has his certificate

  20. Farm Days: wants more next year

  21. Criteria manual done; needs to be voted on

  22. Would like a mass email to go out for all external matters concerning arts & crafts to be sent to him

  23. Building & Grounds: Neal

  24. Projects not done due to weather

  25. Taking hot water heater to dump (leaks)

  26. Would like to tile office floor; approximately $120

  27. Tabled after talking to Mr. Moore and Steve

  28. Alligator at the creek

  29. Craig

  30. Next 7-10 weeks will be busy

  31. Doing things for Mr. Caulder

  32. Holy mounds in Jackson, Alabama

  33. Several pauwaus and demonstrations

  34. Introducing Melissa Muse (sp?), a Child Advocacy Counselor next month

  35. Census 2010

  36. Please fill it out and put your tribal affiliation on it

  37. Remember that money for the state is based off the census

  38. Upcoming Events

  39. Chief Hatcher and trip expenses

  40. Robert said CEC was supposed to pay for expenses related to federal recognition

  41. Iris recommended tabling it

  42. Richia said it should be done; Buster does a lot when he could have given up

  43. Iris said these small amounts are nothing; he does a lot more out of his pocket

  44. Homer motions for $1000; Dalton says too much

  45. Richia motions for $500; Neal seconded

  46. Dalton- yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority)

  47. Still working on a pc

  48. Brian: an organizational chart is needed

  49. Dalton nominated Brian for making the chart

Homer motioned for the meeting to end; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/6/10 at 2:21am.

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