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September 2009 Open Meeting Summary 09042009

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 9/4/2009 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. Chief Hatcher

  2. Council Member Wayne Turner resigned his position. Neal Richard accepted the position and was sworn in

  3. Ronnie Floyd was sworn in as the Tribal Judge and David Windburn was sworn in as the Associate Judge

  4. Mr. Henry: addendum made to contract to protect our land

  5. They will lobby for Federal recognition

  6. They have 26 years experience

  7. From the $2000 gift, there is $570 remaining

  8. Payments made for Judge training, white pages, and event insurance

  9. Membership files: tabled for now

  10. July minutes read

  11. Change 13d: “he got 0 votes, but he was not running”

  12. Change 6a: location: Aynor Town Park at 12

  13. Linda: T-shirts for $10, but needs money before ordering

  14. Bring a covered dish

  15. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  16. Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes (passed by quorum; 3 absent)

  17. August minutes read

  18. Tabled

  19. Waccamaw Day Resolution (J-HH-07-10-2009-001) received its third reading

  20. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  21. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (passed by quorum; 3 absent)

  22. Building & Grounds Exception to the Program Committee Resolution: Amendment SB-09-12-2008-001

  23. Neal motioned; Dalton seconded

  24. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (passed by quorum; 3 absent)

  25. Financial Reports

  26. Jerry: $180 total donations

  27. Committee Reports

  28. Grants: Michelle

  29. No word from the Recovery Act Grant; following up this week

  30. Building & Grounds: Neal

  31. Mower needs repaired

  32. Longhouse- Neal and Ronnie to get together this week

  33. Tipis- hope to be moved this week

  34. Elder Jerry Smith asked cost of canvassing 2 tipis; Craig said approximately $200

  35. Homer suggests putting our logo on the tipis

  36. PauWau: Linda

  37. Asks Council to accept Committee judgment on book if pressed for time

  38. Paul cannot cook this year

  39. 10 Vendor applications back; 0 food vendor applications

  40. Price on T-shirts- $4.30 each- one color

  41. Need new articles for the program book

  42. Next Meeting: September 15 at Shoney’s at 6pm to finalize book

  43. Reaffirm Online Votes

  44. Grounds treated for fleas- yes

  45. Jerry & Becky have feathers for those who need them for art work and projects

  46. 2nd Chief Susan Hatcher

  47. Census 2010 coming up

  48. Keep checking census site for jobs

Rev. Elwood Ammons gave the closing prayer.

Dalton motioned and Homer seconded for the meeting to end.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/06/2009 at 11:15am

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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