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July 2018 Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 7/13/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s, Mark, Robert, Jeania, John, Dalton, Susan, and CoC Rick present. Elders Dan, Doug, Becky, Glenn T, and Ronnie present. 2C Cheryl Cheryl present.

  2. Financial Report

  3. General Fund: $12,237.52

  4. Building Fund: $1,732.14

  5. Cemetery Fund: $531.26

  6. Dalton: Elder Dan wants to move the Cemetery Fund to the General Fund

  7. Rick motioned to put it in the Building Fund; Dalton seconded

  8. Rick: Dan, why?

  9. Elder Dan: it’s in my personal account right now

  10. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  11. June minutes read

  12. Dalton motioned to accept; John seconded

  13. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-abstain, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  14. Online votes

  15. 6/14 Authorize meal cost with Mr Gatty & Mr Prehala

  16. Moot because SCIAC paid for it

  17. 6/19 Authorize Richard Turner & Charles Hughes membership fees covered by labor & equipment

  18. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  19. Old Business

  20. May Minutes

  21. Dalton motioned to accept; Robert seconded

  22. Jeania-yes, Susan-abstain, Robert-yes, John-yes, Mark-abstain, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  23. Cemetery Update

  24. Elder Dan: Glenn cut the grass

  25. Chief: lawsuit has been settled; map to be drawn

  26. Resolution: DH-04-06-2018-001 Subject: Exemption of membership fees for age, length of service, or large donations: Third Reading

  27. John T: disagree with this; eliminating all of these people means the Pauwau is our only income

  28. Dalton: membership fees originally were a way to get non-contributing people to contribute; items 3-7 are people who already contribute

  29. John T: we already have a hardship form system; illness doesn’t equate to poverty

  30. Susan: you also have to look at all of the time we’re here for meetings and events when other people aren’t; you can’t tell people you don’t appreciate them

  31. Dalton: I don’t think that’s what JOhn T’s saying

  32. Susan: I don’t receive much from the military myself

  33. John T: it’s a different philosophy of life then; I’ll pay the $4.65/ month and come to events anyway

  34. Dalton: if you knock items 1-2 off, do you have a problem with the rest? It would turn into a reward system

  35. John T: I could live with it

  36. Chief: I agree with John T; it’s not so much the money; it’s the volunteering

  37. John T: it’s not volunteering; membership fees are the business

  38. Chief it turns into the same thing

  39. Dalton: most of these can already be done; items 1-2 are not

  40. Chief: we need to set standards: like being a registered voter

  41. John T: would vote yes of you change it to hardship-based with majority of tribal council vote

  42. Mark: using what state?

  43. 2C Cheryl: use federal

  44. New Business

  45. Receipts

  46. Fuel: $49.00 Check 699

  47. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  48. Committee Reports

  49. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C

  50. Thank- you to everyone who has helped

  51. Backhoe here

  52. Water line to fix

  53. Work Day 7/14; Jeania brough chicken and drinks

  54. Digging in the pond

  55. Rick: think we should put a fuel tank out here

  56. John T: can you transplant the hardwood trees and remove the pines?

  57. Met with Brad; he will do the 440 box at the circle for $1000 for his labor; we still have to buy parts

  58. Mark: suggest getting several quotes

  59. Pauwau: Michelle/ Glenn C

  60. Drum: Red Oak; also looking for guest

  61. Looking for volunteers

  62. Trifolds are ready to give out

  63. Budget submitted for approval

  64. John discussed which items needed to paid out now and which items could wait until after the Pauwau

  65. Dalton: not sure if this needs to be added to the budget since they could be used for other things, but also walkie talkies- 6-pack for $65, 2-mile range

  66. Mark: how many channels?

  67. Dalton: 16 with earpieces

  68. 2C Cheryl: suggest a signout system

  69. Susan: with numbers on them

  70. Rick motioned; Susan seconded to purchase 2

  71. Amended the motion to purchase 3

  72. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  73. John T will donate power strips to keep them charged

  74. Susan motioned to accept the budget; Dalton seconded

  75. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  76. 2nd Chiefs

  77. 2C Cheryl: fundraiser at Hog Heaven: profit $1662

  78. Will be doing presentation at CCU

  79. Read article from Independent Republic Quarterly

  80. Chief

  81. Working on ramp for Elder Frank

  82. Raised the money; need the labor

  83. Glenn T says he will; Rick might

  84. CMA

  85. Reviewed by House Oversight Committee & they said they had no faith in the CMA; asked them to replace everyone

  86. Put in for $600 grant for color guard at the church

  87. Have a meeting with a TV produce for a documentary about Waccamaw- send me an email if you want to be part of it & your subject matter

  88. Another one coming up for Elders and older people

  89. Circulated a letter from Ms. Boak and read his response

  90. Copies of the written petition are given out to possible investors

  91. Need permission to reproduce it; waiting to hear back from M&M on price

  92. Council will see it before it’s printed

  93. Files have to be gone through to make sure they are complete

  94. Veterans: SCIAC has a veteran portion & we need to appoint a person there

  95. Need veterans to submit name, branch for honor blankets

  96. Susan: there’s also a form to fill out and send in

  97. Pictures of Council members: keep them going around the wall of the room

  98. Waccamaw Legislators: for legislators who only want an honorary card

  99. Group Recognition: law passed to end it, but CMA is still doing it

  100. Animal Parts: except for federally protected, animals, alligator & bear, migratory birds

  101. Thinking of using the name Waccamaw Fist (in the native tongue) for a legislator named from each tribe then let the SCIAC choose the legislator of the year

  102. Council of Chiefs: Susan: so wouldn’t they all vote for their own guy?

  103. Chief: going to have to revisit it

  104. Bingo closed

Mark motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 7/24/18 at 12:13 am.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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