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August 2018 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/3/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s, Jeania, John, Dalton, Susan, and CoC Rick present. Elders Dan, and Becky present. 2C’s Cheryl and Phil present.

  2. Online Votes

  3. 7/24 Approve Hunka membership application

  4. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  5. 7/24 Authorize Hunka membership

  6. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  7. 7/27 Approve July minutes

  8. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  9. 7/27 Appoint Susan to Color Guard & allot $100 for uniform

  10. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  11. Old Business

  12. Cemetery Update

  13. Chief Hatcher: should be finished, just waiting on deed

  14. Resolution: DH-04-06-2018-001 Subject: Exemption of membership fees for age, length of service, or large donations: Third Reading

  15. Susan: can #4-5 be in-knd also?

  16. Example: photographs are a service; the photos are given to the tribe

  17. Dalton: that would fall under volunteer; they would need to give us receipts

  18. John: does it specify that #2-6 are in perpetuity?

  19. Remove/ change “monthly” in the header

  20. Dalton: motion to accept with the change; John seconded

  21. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  22. John: should we auto-renew people whose fees are up-to-date?

  23. People should be responsible for their own ID card

  24. John: we could send out a form asking people to update their information

  25. Glenn C: sending out forms will increase costs; stamps are at $0.50 now

  26. Chief Hatcher: you won’t solve this tonight

  27. Rick: Starla, look at the database & see what it would take to send out a form

  28. John: should the ones who fall under #2-6 have no expiration date on the card?

  29. Rick: I agree with that

  30. John:motion to have no expiration date on lifetime card

  31. Dalton: I think because it affects most of the tribe, you have to do it as a resolution or the Chief has to override it

  32. Chief Hatcher: lots of problems with no expiration dates

  33. People don’t tell you where they are; you can’t update the file

  34. Table the motion

  35. John: I rescind the motion

  36. New Business

  37. Membership Fees Exemption: Dorothy Hayes

  38. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  39. Committee Reports

  40. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C

  41. Gable finished, need to do the flats on the end

  42. Lay out the circle tomorrow & get wiring

  43. Work Day tomorrow, will be here around 8:30 am

  44. 2C Phil to ask Master Electrician about regulations

  45. Rick: got 100 gallon fuel tank’ needs a pump; tractor supply has one for $165

  46. Rick motioned to purchase; Dalton seconded

  47. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  48. Glenn C to pick up

  49. Pauwau: Michelle/ Glenn C

  50. Looking for Volunteers

  51. Trifolds are here to give out

  52. Meeting 8/9 at 6pm

  53. Receipts

  54. Glenn Cook reimbursement: $200 (stamps) Check 701

  55. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  56. Fuel: $80.04 Check 700

  57. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  58. Glenn Cook reimbursement: $65 (Aynor Hoe Down) Check 702

  59. Jeania-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes

  60. 2C Cheryl: doing a presentation at CCU

  61. Chief Hatcher

  62. Newsletters need to go out quarterly

  63. Email has to be made a valid form of communication by Tribal Council

  64. Rick: who is the email list controlled by?

  65. Dalton: I would put a disclaimer at the bottom saying that we will not sell their email address

  66. Set up a Youtube channel/ Pinterest to increase volunteers

  67. 2C Cheryl: have to include an unsubscribe option

  68. Rick: table till next month

  69. Need to get an email receipt showing that they received the email

  70. Petition: 10 copies ready: $177

  71. Volunteers: CCU students

  72. A lot of people want to invest

  73. For recognition:

  74. BIA route: you’re locked into the BIA

  75. Congress route: they can attach things to your petition

  76. Mike G: Honoring Tribal Veterans

  77. 2C Phil: bring your presentation to Council

John motioned to close the meeting; Dalton seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/21/18 at 8:02 pm.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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