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October 2018 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/5/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s, John, Dalton, Susan, Jeania, and CoC Rick present. Elders Doug, Ronnie, and Becky present.

  2. Financial Report

  3. General Fund: $11,573.45

  4. Building Fund: $1,969.12

  5. Online Votes

  6. Accept September minutes

  7. Susan: absent, John-yes, Jeania-absent, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  8. Pump Groundskeeper septic tank

  9. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  10. Old Business

  11. Cemetery Update

  12. Case settled, need to register paperwork, get map soon

  13. Electrical Update

  14. Glenn C: nothing yet, work tomorrow; set platform for new panel box

  15. New Business

  16. Susan

  17. Best Chance Network: requested to come out next year

  18. Do medical screenings

  19. Census 2020: recruiting people: apply at

  20. Quilts of Valor: fill out form Susan created & she can fill it out online for you; or you can fill it online yourself

  21. Receipts

  22. Fuel $53.96 Check 705

  23. Committee Reports

  24. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C

  25. Work Day 10/6 @ 8:30am: weedeat, panel box

  26. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  27. One app that needs to be reviewed

  28. Pauwau: Michelle & Dalton

  29. Program Book needs to be approved

  30. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  31. Looking for Volunteers

  32. More trifolds ready

  33. Aynor Hoe Down was canceled; they refunded the money

  34. Bill Judge would like to document a few people at the Pauwau

  35. Susan: sent an email to iheartmedia for PSA

  36. Drum: Rick

  37. Meeting again

  38. Will play during School Day

  39. Convention on the 29th

  40. Accepting new drummers

  41. Dalton: can you fill in at the Pauwau?

  42. Rick: possibly

  43. Constable Membership

  44. Eric Morgan: make honorary

  45. Joseph Carter: make honorary

  46. Check ID cards on all Constables

  47. Chief

  48. Indian Development Council: meeting 29th at Convention Center

  49. Colorguard: Ronnie, Shane, Susan, Alan

  50. Rick, Glenn on drum

  51. Carson to dance

  52. Chief Harris to carry Eagle staff

  53. Mayor of MB to be there

  54. Provide opening prayer for meeting with Michael Avenatti on 13th

  55. CMA: everyone has a right to talk to the Governor, but Indians have to get together & agree on an agenda, which CMA is trying to set

  56. Churches can buy surplus items for cheap, but Indians have to live on reservation to qualify

  57. Women on drum

  58. Northern drums allow it

  59. Some people will not want to participate if we allow it

  60. Susan: what about ceremonies that won’t allow women to participate (example: pipe ceremony)?

<Tribal Secretary had a seizure at this point; no further notes>

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 10/22/18 at 2:16 am.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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