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May 2019 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/3/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Dalton, Alan, Susan, Robert, John, and CoC Rick present. Elders Doug, Becky, and Avalene present. 2C Cheryl present.

  2. Financial Report

  3. General Fund: $9,210.19

  4. Building Fund: $450.55

  5. Online Votes

  6. 4/11 Allow PW Committee up to $500 for fundraiser tickets

  7. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  8. 4/25 Accept April Meeting Summary

  9. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  10. Old Business

  11. Donnie’s AC

  12. Ductwork needs repairing

  13. New Business

  14. Committee Reports

  15. Buildings & Grounds

  16. Wayne T, Ronnie H, Chris H, Donnie H cleaned pond & weedeated

  17. Wayne T donated aquatic Roundup

  18. Thanks to all who helped with the Dance Circle- electric all around

  19. Water run to the pond; someone took the sink (have purchased one)

  20. Water & electric to Fire Circle

  21. Pipe ran for hookups to Tractor Shed/ where Chief parks his RV

  22. Water leaks in office- probably have to replace all of the pipes

  23. John T: thanks to Glenn C & his brother for cooking during Work Day

  24. 2C Cheryl: Wayne T left a voicemail saying he sprayed; also left baits for rats

  25. Possible to get a construction office to turn into bathrooms; 2C Cheryl to talk to the man (Mr. Frye)

  26. He has a 10x45, 8x45; 2 of each; he said he would work with us on payment

  27. Use as a bathroom or museum

  28. He said he would remove things here if needed; delivery & setup

  29. Elder Becky: didn’t Charles Creech draw up plans for the bathhouse?

  30. Chief: museum

  31. 2C Cheryl: it would help with year-round RV camping

  32. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  33. Sent the last manual to Council to review

  34. Looking for more items from the manual

  35. John T: think Council should take over the certification process

  36. Motion to make Tribal Council responsible for certifying artists; Robert seconded

  37. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  38. Dalton: we should rebuild the committee ASAP

  39. Pauwau: Dalton

  40. Tidal Wave Fundraiser

  41. 200 tickets; they buy back all unused tickets

  42. If we sell them all, we make $1000

  43. 2C Cheryl/ Dalton: was the check given to the car wash company signed or blank?

  44. Susan: the amount isn’t filled in because you settle up at the end of the fundraiser

  45. HGTC Fundraiser: 2C Cheryl

  46. Meet with Joe Bonaparte & Chef Umberto next Thursday to discuss our responsibility as far as food, donations, etc…

  47. They will promote and assist with ticket sales

  48. Would like to establish for Native students

  49. 2C Cheryl motioned that the tribe be willing to procure donated foods & establish a scholarship of $500 out of the profits gained from ticket sales; Dalton & John T seconded & third

  50. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  51. John T: what happens if food isn’t donated?

  52. 2C Cheryl: it’s our responsibility to get food, but they know where to get it

  53. 2C Cheryl: we can also do silent auctions & have drum & dane there like with Scouts presentation

  54. Continue selling ads

  55. John T: any thoughts of putting ads on the website?

  56. Dalton: haven’t heard back from Doug; will try again

  57. Still looking for volunteers

  58. Submit stories for next year’s book now

  59. Glenn C: this year’s theme: Family

  60. We would like to get new pictures

  61. John T: who polices campsites to make sure everyone has paid?

  62. Susan H: most spots are taken up by volunteers

  63. Chief Hatcher: if you recognize the man from last year who didn’t pay, make him pay this year for both years

  64. Dalton: we also give a list of names to the gate

  65. Patty: you can give them an 8x10 camping sheet embossed with the logo

  66. Rick H: we’ll discuss it online

  67. Socastee Heritage Festival

  68. Donations received

  69. Attendance was down because of other things going on in area

  70. Starla V: PW Cards (business card reminding people 1st weekend on Nov)

  71. Also suggested adding a $1 off coupon if presented at the gate

  72. 1 card, 1 person

  73. Lumbee PW: Susan H

  74. They have price listing, including weekend pass

  75. Drum: Glenn C

  76. No response from Kaya; will talk to him at Lumbee Pauwau

  77. Resolution: DH-03-01-2019-001: Firearms Restriction Exemption for Concealed Weapons Permit Holder: 3rd reading

  78. Susan: Are you going to put this out to the public?

  79. Alan F: add it as an attachment when the summary goes out?

  80. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-no, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  81. 2C Cheryl

  82. Played Sumac (sp?) video- organizational item like Sales Force

  83. Sales Force training was $4000, so we didn’t use it

  84. Different packages

  85. Silver: $95/month: 1 user + Cloud

  86. Gold: $90/ month: 2500 contacts, Multi-user, No Cloud

  87. Can add Cloud for an additional $50/month

  88. Dalton: send Council a link to to review it

  89. Membership file to review; file was never up for a vote

  90. Susan H: whose is it?

  91. 2C Cheryl: Heath Dawsey- no response since 2016

  92. Susan H: pretty sure it was inactive because his card expired

  93. Chief: Marie has 30 years of business management experience; could help come up with procedures

  94. Federal Recognition Petition

  95. Went over criteria

  96. It will add more items to a file, including birth certificate & name change forms

  97. Show from 1900-present in 10-20 year increments depending on the narrative

  98. Chief Hatcher: 25CFR83.7 has been revised several times

  99. Criteria (e) will be the most difficult if they want us to establish from first contact (around 1689)

  100. Going through Congress: they could limit or take your rights

  101. Going through BIA: could take 20 years

  102. After reviewing the petition, they are supposed to send a list of things that need to be worked on/ changed

  103. Patty: does Catawba have someone who will look at ours?

  104. 2C Cheryl: theirs is different; got it through lawsuit

  105. Chief: have Council & ELders recognition committee meet to discuss it in June

  106. 2C Cheryl: drafted letters to the State Preservation Office concerning land/ graves

  107. Copy given to Council

  108. To be used to stop the excavation of remains

  109. Chief

  110. JR-HH-05-03-2019-001: Appointment of Waccamaw Genealogist: 1st Reading

  111. Will make Patty Burns the tribal genealogist

  112. SCIAC would like to have a meeting in our office

  113. Still need Council pictures for the wall

  114. Chief was nominated for being a lead veteran & other things because of tribal accomplishments

  115. Ceremony 6/30

  116. Have to do reports

  117. 1 is the IRS postcard form

  118. We need something in writing designating who does the reports

  119. Elders

  120. Glenn T still sick

  121. Elder Doug: Elder Dan sends his apologies

  122. Would like to rent the office 8/10-12

  123. Elder Becky: donation from Powers Pharmacy: $100 for Fishing Day

  124. Donating 2 rods & reels for Fishing Day

  125. Rick: made a paddle for Reel Fix because of their help over last 3 years

  126. Susan H: $100 received from Horry Electric for Fishing Day

  127. 2C Cheryl: office cleaned; workable

  128. Glenn C: website information is outdated

  129. Mike G: nominated for award concerning Desert Storm veterans

  130. John T: real estate box for flyers for people coming out here

  131. Recycle box needed

  132. Membership fees: approximately 278 voting members

  133. 1/3 volunteers; still not getting money

  134. Receipts

  135. Rick Hudnall: $140.70 Check 739

  136. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  137. Wayne T: $50 Check 740

  138. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  139. 2C Cheryl: $60 Check 741

  140. Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  141. Fuel: $53.08 Check 743

John motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/24/2019 at 2:09 am.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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