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August 2021 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/6/2021 held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Susan, Marion, Glenn, Marie, Robert, and CoC Dalton present. 2C John, VC Cheryl, and Filekeeper Starla present.

  2. Financial Report (as of 8/4/2021, 11:23 pm on the CNB site)

    1. General Fund: $18436.29

    2. Building Fund: $4390.83

    3. Cemetery Fund: $288.00 (CNB) + $1560.96

  3. Old Business

    1. Online Votes

      1. 7/22 Approve July Open Meeting Summary

        1. Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

      2. 7/31 Approve Veteran Stand Down

        1. Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

        2. Susan: need to come up with a date

        3. Dalton: date was to be set between Chief and Parmale

      3. 7/31 Approve Suk

        1. Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

        2. Placement to be determined by B&G Committee

  4. New Business

    1. Receipts

      1. CM Glenn: paid bill from last time

        1. 2C John: Are you up-to-date on being paid back?

          1. CM Glenn: yes, on things turned in

    2. Consolidate and correct bank balances

      1. Dalton: General Fund needs to transfer money to Cemetery fund ($1560.96) & B&G Fund needs to transfer money to General Fund for dirt; Susan seconded

        1. Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

    3. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: CM Glenn

        1. Pump station installed; just needs to be connected

      2. Arts & Crafts: CM Susan

        1. Received 1 application

      3. Pauwau: CoC Dalton

        1. Flyers ready

        2. Trifolds ready

        3. Fundraiser: through Andy’s pizza in Aynor

          1. 2C John: Would he like to sell pizza at the Pauwau?

          2. Starla: we could sell it; will talk about it at the Pauwau meeting

        4. T-shirt order to be placed

        5. CoC Dalton: possibility of canceling because of Covid

          1. Susan: 3 vendors have sent money in; demonstrator apps not out yet

          2. John A: don’t understand; announce canceling by 10/1

          3. Dalton: longer you wait, the more people are locked into our Pauwau and could miss out on opportunities elsewhere if we cancel

          4. Susan: more worried about demonstrators than vendors

          5. 2C John: send out like we’re having the Pauwau; give until 9/15

          6. Susan: if we cancel, the demonstrators would still have to be paid

          7. Chief Hatcher: we paid a % of their fee one year

          8. VC Cheryl: would be transparent with vendors; talk to them

          9. See if they still want to come; give a % if canceled

          10. Chief Hatcher: I’ll write a letter to the demonstrators with VC Cheryl

          11. Susan motioned to allow Chief to write letter to demonstrators; Glenn seconded

          12. Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

          13. Pauwau Committee can discuss it more at the meeting

      4. Drum: 2C John

        1. 2C John: we participated in the Myrtle Beach International Cultural Festival

          1. Drum and Carson did well

          2. VC Cheryl did well with introductions

          3. They gave $200 to split between Carson and the drummers

      5. Files: Starla

        1. Starla: if you send anything, send it to [email protected]

        2. CM Susan: Resolution: SHH-08-06-2021-001: Second Chance Membership Renewal: 1st Reading

          1. In an effort to save time and get the files fixed, we are asking for an exception to policy to waive the 3-reading rule

          2. Disbursement criteria was laid out in 2012

          3. VC Cheryl: it reads like the federal government gives each member money and it doesn’t work that way

          4. Clarify the wording: second chance to bring current their membership for a flat rate; designation put on their ID card for renewed status

          5. VC Cheryl: it should be included in the newsletter, email, etc…

          6. Susan: requesting a waiver on the 3-reading rule after appropriate changes have been made

          7. Chief Hatcher granted

          8. Dalton motioned to accept the resolution; Robert seconded

          9. Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

    4. Resolution: JT-05-07-2021-01: Tribal Government Candidate Requirements: 2nd Reading

    5. 2nd Chiefs

      1. John: one observation: one member wanted to pay dues by GoFundMe

        1. No problem with that; shouldn’t matter where it comes from

        2. VC Cheryl: can’t use tribal donations to benefit yourself

          1. Chief Hatcher: if they put a “for my membership fees:

          2. VC Cheryl: this one wasn’t set up that way; only as a donation to the tribe

          3. Susan: when we receive checks from them, it doesn’t say who it was from, what cause it was for, just the amount

      2. VC Cheryl

        1. Received emails from Drs. Dillian & Cleary about Brad Land

          1. He wants to start a nonprofit

          2. Concerns/ red flags expressed to the Chief

          3. Should be truth in history

          4. Dr Dillian/ CCU wanted to help the tribe without benefits to themselves

          5. Beware of agenda-driven people

          6. Chief Hatcher: we have to trust people & give them a chance; we don’t know their intent

          7. If he wants to start a nonprofit, we can’t do anything about it unless he puts our name on it

        2. National PFAS Coalition

          1. Map of areas with high concentration created by Northeastern University

          2. PFAS Contamination Site Tracker – The PFAS Project Lab

          3. MB Air Force Base is 4th worst in the US

          4. Also work through ATSDR

          5. About ATSDR (

          6. Looking at it from health and imparted community issues

          7. Would like to arrange for a community screening of tribal members

    6. CoC Dalton: We need to consider if open meetings should go back to Zoom only due to increase in Covid cases

    7. CM Robert: Summer Solstice: 9/12/2021

    8. CM Susan:

      1. Working with Tracey Graham- Diversity Training, Unity, and Inclusion at Boone Hall

        1. She’d like to do a fire ceremony there on 9/25 or in November (11/20), 12/4

        2. She wants to include as many tribes as possible with up to 15 Native vendors in 10x10 space for free

        3. Like a healing ceremony

      2. Working with Beverly Collins: American Indian Mothers

        1. Grant to get Natives vaccinated

        2. Find someone to help: 40hrs/ month at $20/hr

        3. Will give a $20 gift card to each family

    9. CM Marion: thanks to the Chief for his work at Horry County Museum

      1. About 200 showed

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 9:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/26/2021 at 3:25 pm


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