December 2022 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/02/2022 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CMs Marion, Robert, Chris, Glenn, Susan, Marie, and CoC Dalton were present. Elders Larry J and Becky S were present. Chief Hatcher, VC Cheryl, and 2C Alan were present.
Members Emily W, Nancy J, and Starla C were present. David H present. Members Carol H, David B, and Anita H were present via Zoom.
Resolution: DH-12-02-2022-001: Certification of the 2022 Tribal Election
Marie voted to accept with change to Cheryl’s name and adding an “f” to Chief; Robert seconded
Susan: concerns; this was the lowest voter turnout we’ve had
2C Alan: part of the problem was USPS and some people never got a ballot
Marion: we all need to write our Congressmen about the USPS
Susan: I think we need to go to email and extend voting to allow people to vote at the pauwau
Marie: and post it on Facebook so people know
Chris: ask in the email if they will be voting in-person
Glenn: let people vote absentee
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
CoC Dalton swore in Marion C, Chris H, Susan H, Chief Hatcher, and VC Cheryl
Financial Report (as of 11/30/2022 at 11:40 pm)
General Fund: $28,446.44
Building Fund: $2883.15
Cemetery Fund: $407.00
Old Business
Online Votes
10/12: Approve use of the office for class on moccasins and ribbon shirts with Aki
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
11/28: Approve October 2022 Meeting Summary
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
For RV & electric: $616.15 to Glenn C
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
Check 1067
For PW: $1992.26 to Glenn C
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
Check 503
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds: Glenn C
Send in volunteer time
Clayton J donated 7 bags of mulch
RV work where Chief’s site sits is done
Need my box back eventually
Need to hook up water to Chief’s RV spot and dump station
Phil W wants 4 more receptacles
Dirt leveled down in the front
Chief Hatcher: you can get a tax credit for volunteer hours
If you want receipts for your time, tell the Chief the number of hours and dollar amount
Grants: Michelle
SCAC final report needs to be done when the link appears in the portal
Pauwau: CoC Dalton
The budget is attached; some receipts still coming in
Volunteer appreciation dinner & Outbrief on 12/4 at El Cerro
Glenn C: a few inquiries on dance payouts: people not in regalia
Someone jumped over hay bales to get in the circle and then had no regalia on
Chris H: people don’t keep regalia on during the rain
CoC Dalton: John A told people to take regalia off and at times to come in the arena without it
Chris H: think if they disregard the circle, they shouldn’t win
Glenn C: think a letter is appropriate; not let her dance next year if unacceptable
Susan: we can look at pictures
Glenn C: we cannot have 2 campers hooked to 1 RV spot
Chris H: one light on that circuit wouldn’t blow it
Marie: you could have told us and we could use our generator
Michelle: Anyone who wants a RV site needs to let us know they are coming to be sure they have a spot
Chris H: She can use my spot next year
CoC Dalton: we will discuss it further and come up with a policy letter
VC Cheryl: practicality with empathy
Anita H: I didn’t like all the people in cowboy hats and jeans in the ring
Susan: it was during intertribal
Drummed for School Days
Chief Hatcher: how do we handle boys and girls who want to drum on school day?
Glenn C: it depends on whether you want to stay traditional
Chief Hatcher: call the other drums and come up with a policy
2C Alan: in Cheraw, Keepers of the word were there with regular drum
Susan: we got a call from a female drum in GA; brought it to the PW committee who thought it was too close to PW
The GA drum then thought it was too far to drive
Chief Hatcher: traditions change
Susan: we could use female drums on Family Day or fire ceremonies
Marie: Motion to make Emily W and Lauren M full members; Marion second
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
Looking for someone to step in and take over
Susan: Lindsey S said she would
CoC Dalton: I’ll reach out to her and see if she wants to do it by herself or with others
CoC Dalton: if the drama over the newsletter wants to go to the next step, it should go to the tribal judge
VC Cheryl: there should be a step before that
CoC Dalton: like to the Elders
VC Cheryl: I took a day reconfiguring one company’s policy for the tribe
I suggest CM’s buddy up with new members and mentor them
Going straight to the tribal judge is deflecting
Chief Hatcher: keep in mind they have to break a policy for it to be taken to the tribal judge
Fire ceremony: 12/17/2022 at sunrise
Glenn C: Turkey Shoot
Need to make sure it’s okay with the firearms resolution
Would we be interested in doing this?
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
CoC Dalton: it’s something you want on paper and read 3 times
Marie: Are you looking for donations for prizes or is the tribe paying for it?
Glenn C: the tribe would have to pay for it
VC Freddie from Santee would help us
VC Cheryl: make sure it stays within the guidelines
Glenn C: Horry County says no permit if we don’t have vendors
Santee was making $2000/ night
Susan: they were making it mostly off food
Elder Larry J: do not during pauwau because of the horse
Susan: I propose we let him pursue this; Marie seconded
Marie-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
Glenn C: city police had no objections
We have noise ordinances to follow
Would like to start October 1
VC Cheryl: Amend the firearms resolution
Glenn C: one house gun that everybody shoots with; we supply the shells
David H: make sure the insurance policy covers it
CoC Dalton: in PW: archery and axe-throwing
Susan: go to Bass Pro Shops for prizes/ donations
VC Cheryl
Environmental Justice (EJ) Grant & Grant Writing Development
We are in an EJ zone
Climate: help mitigate change with flooding
Community garden: food source
Move from High-emission use- electric charging stations
Reforestation (carbon credits)
Community activities
LA launched a pilot program with NOAA for $70k in 2022 to get started
Education Task Force
Need more volunteers working on cultural programs
Their next meeting is in January.
2C Alan
Start thinking about food for Family Day
VC Cheryl: low country boil
CoC Dalton: or BBQ
VC Cheryl: or both
Chief Hatcher
The Council of Chiefs met with SoS to stop him from chartering new tribes without going through the recognition process
Laws would have to change
2C Alan has worked with the state museum and it has no tribes represented
Meeting with SCIDC to help fund Native students going to college; on 12/12
I think we will extend it to trade classes as well
My youngest son’s mother killed herself; think we should send him something
Chief Worthy asked us to do the funeral for PAIA Chief
This PW went really well
Pursue the drum deeply
Introduced James Gore
Did 2 interviews in the last week
When Biden said what he did about helping Indians
It only helps federally recognized Indians
Write letters to him and let him know that all Indians need help
I’ll send out a sample letter
To Biden, Harris, BIA
VC Cheryl: and Deb Haaland
Send Chief Hatcher an email and let him know you will write a letter
Elder Larry J
Commend the person who did the program book; it’s the best one yet
Proposal: Let’s do a parade before the PW on Saturday
VC Cheryl: right before the gates open
David B
Honorary member and came to the pauwau; it was the most fantastic thing I’ve ever seen
CCU students- impressive find
Most spiritual thing was when Marion saged me
I want to do more; be more active
Chris H: need to think about making Carson & Malia Junior HM/ HL
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.
Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/6/2023 at 12:19 pm.