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February 2024 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 2/2/2024  held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Susan, Emily, Glenn, and CoC Dalton were present. CM’s Robert and Chris arrived late. Elders Charles H and Larry J were present. Vice Chief Cheryl, 2C Alan, and 2C John were present.

  2. Members Nancy J, Clayton G, Ronnie H, Carol L, Carolyn D, Randy W, Lisa L, Starla C, Rick H, and Andy W were present.

  3. Financial Report (as of 2/1/2024 at 11:11 am)

  4. General Fund: $42,403.13

  5. Building Fund: $1906.61

  6. Cemetery Fund: $407.00

  7. Old Business

  8. Online Votes

  9. 12/29 Approve December open meeting summary

  10. Emily-yes, Susan-abstain, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes, 2C Alan (Susan)-yes

  11. 1/11 Cancel the January 2024 open meeting due to weather advisory

  12. Emily-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes

  13. Steve Jett: Benalign

  14. Benefits to retrain employees; the app is available through the Play and Apple Store


  16. It only costs money if you buy a product

  17. Telemedicine: 24/7 access: $7.95/ month

  18. Rx benefit & card: $0 copay for generics: $12/ month

  19. Outpatient labs & medical imaging services

  20. Accident Insurance

  21. Hospital expenses

  22. Critical illness

  23. Sick pay

  24. Dental/ vision plan

  25. Term life 

  26. Bill negotiation

  27. Credit planner: $5/ month

  28. Pet insurance

  29. Renters Insurance

  30. Device protection: $5/ month for up to 18 devices

  31. CoC Dalton: what would be the charge to the tribe?

  32. Steve J: no cost for using the app, only if you want to sponsor telemedicine and some items

  33. 2C John: if you have Medicare, will this come on top of Medicare?

  34. Steve J: it can, especially during the donut hole period

  35. If you use telemed, will you get to an actual doctor?

  36. Steve J: concierge first, then a doctor

  37. You can use that doctor every time if you want

  38. CoC Dalton: is this available to the public or does the tribe have to join?

  39. Steve J: tribe would sponsor it and then we’d send a member an application

  40. Does it cover weight loss surgery?

  41. Steve J: no, because there’s no insurance component

  42. There might be a discount in the hospital section

  43. Glenn: is there a charge for the tribe to sponsor?

  44. Steve J: no, but members could get benefits at under $20/ month

  45. CoC Dalton: we will discuss it and get with you; it sounds like a good plan

  46. 2C John: if the tribe were to sign up, can individual members purchase what they want?

  47. Steve J: yes, absolutely, correct

  48. Glenn: is there a minimum for the tribe to get access?

  49. Steve J: no

  50. CoC Dalton: do you keep personal data or do you sell it?

  51. Steve J: we don’t sell data

  52. When you sign up for a product, it goes directly to the companies

  53. New Business

  54. 2C John: have we looked into an interest-bearing account?

  55. Susan: no

  56. VC Cheryl: Mr. Mancuso could talk to the Chief to improve our finances

  57. Susan: have him here for a meeting

  58. VC Cheryl: him and Rick Elliott; start from there

  59. Receipts

  60. AC service: $40 paid by Glenn: Check 1073: B&G Fund

  61. Suggest we pump water from under the office to the sewer

  62. Emily-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes

  63. Committee Reports

  64. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

  65. Water isn’t fixed; it’s been too wet to work on

  66. AC: had a man come fix it; he found a loose wire and recommended a sump pump

  67. Marion: can we level out the ground or do we need 2 pumps?

  68. Glenn: he said it was rusted under there & he’d put in for $1000 (labor)

  69. Unit is 3-ton and approx. $1800

  70. Marion: there’s no need to put more money into this one if we go to the mini-split; think we’d need 2 heads

  71. Glenn: yes, because of the distance

  72. Glenn: we’d buy the unit directly and he’d charge us to install

  73. Marion: can you bring back figures?

  74. Glenn: yes

  75. CoC Dalton: water under the building is a bad idea; think we should get the sump pump

  76. Glenn: I’ll get figures on it

  77. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  78. I want to start classes again, but no one shows up

  79. CoC Dalton: I suggest doing it via Zoom or recording it

  80. Create a YouTube channel

  81. Susan: they’d have to buy their own supplies

  82. Have a maximum number of students for one-on-one classes

  83. 2C John: have them prepay with no refunds allowed

  84. Dr. Dillian: would you be willing to do something that could link to the exhibit?

  85. Susan: I see other tribes doing things; what are we doing wrong?

  86. VC Cheryl: figure out what people are interested in

  87. Center around fire ceremonies

  88. Marion: with fire ceremonies, the Chief tries to make it educational

  89. Plan to have A&C for a couple of hours after lunch on fire ceremony days

  90. Grants

  91. VC Cheryl: Catalyst Grant: building on something

  92. Due in April; $25k (same as last year)

  93. It’s used for culture, environmental/ land issues, education, networking

  94. Then look at conservation funds

  95. We could become stewards of the land

  96. Met with Chief Creel- they are getting land donated to them

  97. From HUD for an assisted living facility

  98. Have to be smart about networking

  99. Forestry & Wildlife services through Clemson: Coastal project

  100. $500k max

  101. Identify our historical lands that are wetlands or in watersheds of the Pee Dee River

  102. Protect lands to avoid more flooding

  103. I found a 1789 survey that said Chief John’s land

  104. Upper Dog Bluff and a threatened area that connects us to the Marion side of the Pee Dee River

  105. Partnering with Indigenous East from tribes from MD to LA

  106. Michelle: The SCAC Grant deadline is 4/16/2024 this year

  107. Dr. Dillian: the 2 grants for the exhibit project will end soon

  108. Pauwau

  109. Chairperson for 2024: Michelle

  110. Looking for pictures of our older members

  111. Start selling ads/ memorial pages for the program book

  112. Working on demonstrators to finalize the flyer earlier

  113. The deadline to get things in is 8/15/2024

  114. Files

  115. Philip Davis (honorary to full)

  116. st we pump water from under the office to the sewer

  117. Emily-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes Dalton-yes

  118. Kayla Davis (honorary to full)

  119. Emily-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes Dalton-yes

  120. Jacoby Davis (honorary)

  121. VC Cheryl: I need verification on honorary votes taken by the executive branch

  122. Meeting 2/3 at 10 am

  123. Newsletter

  124. Susan: It’s not been done because the printer hasn’t been hooked up

  125. Reminder: Family Day 2/17/2024

  126. Susan: will 2C Alan cook and if so, what?

  127. BBQ, slaw, baked beans

  128. Glenn: I’ll get prices at Bojangles too

  129. Reminder: Fire Ceremony dates for 2024: 3/16, 6/20, 9/21, 12/14

  130. Marion: we need to have the grounds surveyed to pinpoint our property lines

  131. The GIS map doesn’t work; it doesn’t do with the surveyor’s plat

  132. Rick H: does the current deed have GPS coordinates?

  133. CoC Dalton: the plat should have it on there

  134. Rick H: if it’s at the courthouse, it should have coordinates on there

  135. VC Cheryl: no, there’s deed and land records and there’s plats

  136. Glenn: we need the map to pinpoint our corners

  137. VC Cheryl: we can go to the courthouse on Monday, Marion

  138. Reminder: Letters of Intent for the 2024 election are due ASAP but no later than 8/15/2024

  139. The earlier it is in, the more newsletters it will appear in

  140. Seats up: Glenn, Robert, Emily, CoC

  141. Marion: David H will be here 2/24-25, maybe 2/23 to work on the longhouse

  142. He would like to know if he can camp 

  143. Susan: we need to review our policy letters

  144. VC Cheryl: would it be helpful to get an intern student to sit down with us and go over them?

  145. 2C John

  146. Tribal lineage requirement to become Chief

  147. It seems like a contradiction; I think all members should be able to run for all offices

  148. One paragraph in the constitution says you have full rights to run for office; another paragraph says not everyone can run for all offices

  149. We need a referendum to change it

  150. VC Cheryl: it says elected, not the qualifications

  151. 2C John: the first constitution says core and non-Indian adopted members

  152. Lineal descendants wasn’t added until after the Fab4 incident in 2008

  153. According to Chief, Fab$ was the reason for adding lineal descendants and it was arbitrary

  154. CoC Dalton, VC Cheryl: no, it was a referendum

  155. 2C John: but it can be removed

  156. VC Cheryl: For example using the US Constitution: you could remove the 13th amendment and go back to slavery

  157. 2C John: you could

  158. 2C John: reasons

  159. Some other members might want to run

  160. Something could happen to the Chief and the VC

  161. What if they don’t want to the position

  162. Susan: if you change it to where anyone can be Chief, we’d have to change the name to Tribe of Aynor

  163. It will hurt our chances of federal recognition; we are founded on people of the Dimery settlement

  164. Rick H: are you going to keep shooting yourself in the foot?

  165. 2C John: is there criteria for federal recognition that it’s lineal to be Chief?

  166. Susan: we have to go by 25 CFR 83.7

  167. Elder Charles: how many core members do we have currently?

  168. CoC Dalton: last I looked, between 75-80%

  169. Rick H: how many core members have the time, capability, etc…?

  170. CoC Dalton: the same could be said for non-core members

  171. 2C John: I looked at the federal recognition and saw nowhere that it says lineal descendants

  172. CoC Dalton: if the most capable person to run for president is 18, would you let him run?

  173. 2C John: right now, we have inequality across the board

  174. VC Cheryl: the latest constitution clarified role qualifications and the balance of core and non-core on tribal council

  175. The reason for the responsive vote was when we nearly lost our tribe

  176. 2C John: a minute ago, you said it wasn’t the Fab4

  177. VC Cheryl: I think we need to discuss this during an executive session

  178. CoC Dalton: next time, there needs to be less rancor and more discussion

  179. You have the right to put forth a referendum regardless

  180. VC Cheryl

  181. I think we need to schedule an executive session to prevent further embarrassment

  182. CoC Dalton: I’m not sure it needs to be an executive session, but send me your reasoning and we’ll discuss it

  183. Elders

  184. Larry J: 2 samples of linoleum

  185. Recommend taking the refrigerator out, turning the bar around towards the stove

  186. Dr. Dillian

  187. 40 students between 2 classes making 20 panels for the grounds

  188. They will be here on 3/16 conducting interviews

  189. A geographer will create maps and enter them into the GIS database

  190. Using a scanner for documents

  191. Grand opening 4/16 at 3 pm: tribes in SC, VIPs, government officials, CCU, public media

  192. 4/17: Canadian Film Day: Trick or Treaty

  193. Free tickets

  194. Canadian VIPs

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Emily-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes Dalton-yes

The meeting adjourned at 9:3 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 2/19/2023 at 3:17 pm.


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