January 2025 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 1/10/2025 held via Zoom
CM’s Glenn, Rebecca, Marion, Emily, and CoC Susan were present. 2C Alan served as Chris’ proxy until he arrived.
Members Debbie B, Nancy J, Clayton G, Aaron F, Lisa L, Julie W, Starla C, Dr. Dillian, Tim H were present. Austin S was present as a guest.
CoC Susan thanked CM Marion for running the meeting while she was out and congratulated elected and re-elected CM’s
Financial Report (as of 1/8/2025 at 12:07 pm)
General Fund: $43,796.77
Building Fund: $1169.68
Cemetery Fund: $447.00
Grant Fund: $22,792.08
Old Business
Approve the December 2024 Open meeting summary
CM Glenn motioned to accept; CM Rebecca seconded
Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-absent
Secretary’s Note 1/15: an error in attendance was discovered after the meeting and Council was asked to revote on the summary with the change for February’s meeting
TN Land
AC Cheryl: waiting for Catawba Chief’s secretary to get back with us to work something out based on the corrected deed (pg 3)
The only way is to partner and we hold ownership and let them develop it
Meet possibly next week
We would still need insurance for TN land based on TN laws
They might be receptive to a development park and let people stay there
I hope Attorney Smith will be on the call
SC Thrive: contact in a couple of weeks
Bathhouse: we need 3 bids from licensed contractors
New Business
Receipts: hold until February so Council can see them
Accounting: Nathan Skipper; waiting on a quote from Smith Sapp CPAs
Horry County: Chinner’s Swamp: received a letter about stormwater management
The back of the grounds needs improvement
The county is asking for a signed easement
The letter states their rights and what they have the authority to do
What are the benefits to us?
They have a right to exceed the drainage area for work, expanding if needed
We can’t interfere with their work
Permanent easement: are they going to drain and dredge the swamp area?
We can make requests, but they can stop us from doing work in the area
The final page is an exhibit that shows the grounds in red
I asked Mr. Smith to meet with Council publicly to explain the project
Possibly modify the easement and release it once the work is done
Cultural Heritage Partners: pro bono attorney work
Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC)
Open Space Institute (OSI)
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: CM Glenn
Nothing new this month
Arts & Crafts
AC Cheryl: Is Lisa L heading it? I think she requested it
CM Rebecca said she was happy to help
CoC Susan: they need to submit 3 pieces of artwork
I will check to see who is certified
We can certify people on Family Day with other certified artisans
Lisa L: I went through the process and I’m certified
Willing to learn communication jobs
AC Cheryl: I think it may be a challenge, but it depends on the teacher’s ability
CM Rebecca: or do a hybrid: someone teaching in class and recording it for access later
Sara M: I want to join
CM Rebecca and Michelle will receive grant writing certifications
Supports underserved areas
Rolling grant, doing with USC
Sustainability, resilience
Works on water quality issues, pollution, rain pollinator gardens
Tier 1: $150k
Tier 2: $250k
Tier 3: $350k
3 meetings in the Fall of 2025
Workshop in 2026
Presentation and plan: February 2026
Installation x 2 days: Spring 2026
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
CoC Susan: we need to revamp our manual and set up classes
CM Rebecca: Zoom classes would allow more people to access it
AC Cheryl: I think it may be a challenge, but it depends on the teacher’s ability
CM Rebecca: or do a hybrid: someone teaching in class and recording it for access later
Sara M: I want to join
CM Rebecca and Michelle will receive grant writing certifications
Supports underserved areas
Rolling grant, doing with USC
Sustainability, resilience
Works on water quality issues, pollution, rain pollinator gardens
Tier 1: $150k
Tier 2: $250k
Tier 3: $350k
3 meetings in the Fall of 2025
Workshop in 2026
Presentation and plan: February 2026
Installation x 2 days: Spring 2026
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
Grants: AC Cheryl, Dr. Dillian, Michelle
Catalyst Grant
Capacity building
CM Rebecca and Michelle will receive grant writing certifications
Supports underserved areas
Rolling grant, doing with USC
Sustainability, resilience
Works on water quality issues, pollution, rain pollinator gardens
Tier 1: $150k
Tier 2: $250k
Tier 3: $350k
3 meetings in the Fall of 2025
Workshop in 2026
Presentation and plan: February 2026
Installation x 2 days: Spring 2026
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
Second year: bring state tribal leaders together
Dr. Dillian has to attend a workshop
ACLS Digital Justice Seed Grants
We should hear back in a couple of months
We will develop a story map
EPA Thriving Community Change Grant
Technical assistance through the Research Triangle Institute (RTI)
Supports underserved areas
Rolling grant, doing with USC
Sustainability, resilience
Works on water quality issues, pollution, rain pollinator gardens
Tier 1: $150k
Tier 2: $250k
Tier 3: $350k
3 meetings in the Fall of 2025
Workshop in 2026
Presentation and plan: February 2026
Installation x 2 days: Spring 2026
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
It has several tiers and we are between tiers; looking at small land acquisition
Tier 1: $150k
Tier 2: $250k
Tier 3: $350k
3 meetings in the Fall of 2025
Workshop in 2026
Presentation and plan: February 2026
Installation x 2 days: Spring 2026
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
SCNPS-Grand Strand Chapter Spring Grant Program-Youth Days Program
Due February 10
Reward up to $15k
Could pay for the signage from the Invasive Species removal
NFWF-USDA People's Community Garden Initiative
CCU started the application; it only lets one person have access to the application
I think the maximum amount is $70k / 2-year term
Helps with garden design: three sisters, rain pollinator x2, medicinal
No money for maintenance, but these are designed as low-maintenance gardens
AC Cheryl: I had a conversation with Holley
3 meetings in the Fall of 2025
Workshop in 2026
Presentation and plan: February 2026
Installation x 2 days: Spring 2026
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
This grant dovetails with the EPA grant above
SCAC due in March
Up to $6k for Pauwau or School Day events
Waccamaw Community Foundation (Opens in May)
Capacity and operational expenses
SC CMA (TBD): portal is to be developed soon
2C Alan: $20k to give away to tribes
Newsletter and Communications
CoC Susan: we set up a schedule
It should be 3-4 times per year
Michelle: I’ll check past meeting summaries
Secretary’s note 1/15: 8/2024, Council voted doing twice per year unless it was an election year
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
Is Lindsey still doing it?
Secretary’s note 1/15: Lindsey is not doing it according to FB message
AC Cheryl: communications: flyers, photography, marketing materials
Cover Family Day, Youth Weekend, equinox, and solstice ceremonies
Family Day 2/15
Tony is doing hot dogs and sausage unless you want something different
CM Marion: 2C Alan and I suggest just hot dogs & burgers
CoC Susan: the cart doesn’t do this
CM Marion: the grill is out back, and needs 1 propane tank
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
CoC Susan: Courtney wants to use tables and chairs like last year
CM Marion motioned to let Courtney use 2-10x20 tents, tables, and chairs; CM Glenn seconded
Marion-yes, Emily-abstain, Glenn-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
Headcount: 2C Alan: plan for 40
Pauwau: Michelle
Looking for new stories of local cultural history & language
Looking for pictures of traditional suks
We need advocates to help bring more children to the grounds
We need to confirm a date and location for the Outbrief
CM Glenn: Damon’s has group pricing
CoC Susan: David Creel is retiring after this year
Drum: CM Glenn
Nothing new this month
Archiving Project: CM Rebecca
Jennifer R started archiving classes
We will go to the Catawba Archived in February
Markers for cemetery & school
Feedback from Dr. Dillian about signs
Please send materials to be archived
CoC Susan: I sent some to USC-Lancaster
CoC Susan: got one in the mail for PJ C (Randi’s daughter)
It went to the PO Box
2C Alan: it doesn’t ring a bell; check for my seal
AC Cheryl: there’s nothing about a vote in my email
2C Alan: I’ll go back through my emails
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
Michelle sent policy letters to the executive branch and Council
Policy letter: Honorary App
Policy letter: Honorary to Full Membership
AC Cheryl: the policies were discussed over several meetings
It doesn’t determine votes; just the steps of processing the apps
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
CoC Susan: let’s table this and discuss online; I’m not sure we can force policies on the executive branch
AC Cheryl: at the next files meeting; let Council approve or decline in March
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
2C Alan: 3 apps here, waiting on 1, and I’ll bring them in February
Longhouse Project: AC Cheryl
David has pneumonia and hopes he can bring more trees in March
Strappings can be done for mounted pieces
Clemson is coming to do the construction on the longhouse on 3/1
We need 3-4 people
Dr. Dillian: it would be a useful day for students
AC Cheryl: absolutely
Family Day: 2/15
Veterans Stand Down: 3/8
2C Alan will touch base with the VA
They will help with claims, flyers, long-term help
Get the word out
Spring Equinox: 3/22
SC NPS will be there 8:30-11:30 & won’t impact the equinox
They will be installing signage
AC Cheryl: CM Glenn, are you okay with removing invasive species?
CM Glenn: if it has to be done, it has to be done
AC Cheryl: the milkweed around the pond should not be whacked
CM Chris: I got a call from Kat Littleturtle asking about doing an event this month
Stories, round circle
It doesn’t matter how many people come
They like to do an event every month
AC Cheryl: maybe during Family Day?
CM Marion: Family Day would be the best time
CM Marion: thank you to all who came out for the fire
Thank you to those who make our cultural appearance blossom
We’ve seen an increase in attendees
CM Glenn: shout-out to everyone who helped with PW setup & teardown
CoC Susan: thank you to everyone; we had an awesome PW
I got to watch grand entry
Sara M: I’m sorry I’ve been in and out; employees are dealing with fires in CA
Applied for vacation during 2025 PW
AC Cheryl: Tim R: WIldfire Coordinator for Horry County Fire Rescue and a certified prescribed fire manager
Put him in touch with Dr. Rich
AC Cheryl: Donnelley Foundation
Last year: too much went to the lead applicant
Jason C met with me in December; meeting on 1/17 to go forward
The GDDF grant would help with mapping ancestral lands
AC Cheryl: Historic Preservation Commission no longer pays for the cemetery markers
Marion motioned to close the meeting; Chris seconded.
Marion-yes, Emily-yes Glenn-yes, Chris-yes, Rebecca-yes, Susan-yes
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/15/2025 at 5:42 pm.
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