June 2022 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 6/03/2022 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CM’s Marion, Glenn, Marie, Chris, Susan, and Dalton were present. Elders Larry J and Glenn T present. VC Cheryl and 2Cs Alan and John present. Member Starla C present. CM Robert and John A joined later.
Financial Report
General Fund: $14,953.15
Building Fund: $4281.29
Cemetery Fund: $93.00
Michelle: the cemetery fund needs $157 to maintain its minimum balance
Old Business
Online Votes
5/22 Approve May Meeting Summary
Glenn- yes, Marie- yes, Marion-yes, Chris- yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
There are a couple of loads of broken tile to pick up
Sewer: we need to set a date to get the tractor/ backhoe
Chris H: a friend said $150; another said $0 but didn’t give a date when it would be available
Volunteers to set a date to trench for the sewer
Susan: does it go all the way to the RV sites or just the office?
Glenn: need a pump station to go to the RV sites
Work Day 6/18
Beaver problem
Susan: has anyone called Ronnie?
Glenn: I didn’t think I needed to
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Nothing; need to make a schedule
2C John: CCU Archiving Project will take new pieces from artists. If you are willing to donate, contact 2C John
Richard T will photograph his arrowheads
2C John: are we missing PW books?
Susan: Chief is missing #2
Susan: On artist certification, Chris: I can’t open the file you sent; send a hard copy
Pauwau: Michelle
Elder Larry: want to sell the straw hay back to someone after the pauwau
Most demonstrators have contracts
Working on the budget
Cancel cut-off date: 8/31/2022
Sell ads to help pay for the program book
2C John: I talked to Dr. Dillian, and she has several buses of students and volunteers
Would like to give the volunteers a T-shirt
Susan: we can put them on the gate list and let them rotate stations
We can discuss T-shirts at the pw meeting
Drum: 2C Alan
We need to practice; get up with Andy to be ready for School Day
Files: Dalton
No meeting last month; next meeting 6/4
Several of us will be here to print cards
Starla: suggest everyone who wants a new ID get a passport photo and send their money, picture, etc… all at once
CoC Dalton: committee to discuss
Ms. Debra bought Adobe, getting help from VC Cheryl
Cemetery Fence
Met with trustees and sent email
Current trustees: Richard T, Wayne T, Glenn T, Joey W, Hilda S, Linda A, and Dan H (head)
They’re working on paperwork as to the method of securing plots, burial
Call the trustees (Richard T) and they can take care of it in a few hours, determining if you can be buried there (direct descendant)
Working on assigning plots
$3720.56 in the fence account; appreciative of donations
2C John: are there any donations from Georgia’s husband?
Chief Hatcher: her sister said she would donate
Quote from Picket Fence company: $4006
CoC Dalton: reiterate a minute- the cemetery fund is short $157 to keep it at its minimum balance
Susan: motion to transfer $250 to the cemetery fund to bring it up to the minimum balance and transfer it back once it reaches its minimum
Amended to $157; Marion seconded
Glenn- yes, Marie- yes, Marion-yes, Chris- yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
Nothing to add
CoC Dalton
The tribe now has Instagram and Twitter accounts: @waccamaw_sc
Chief Hatcher
I attended a meeting and got a commitment from other tribes in the state to get us to work together; we need to select a chair
2C Alan is continuing his museum work
NC conference wants to host all tribal leaders; I need to give them a list of SC contacts
CoC Dalton: is the optometrist only writing prescriptions for glasses?
2C Alan: I will set it up next month after his vacation
Larry J: question about the cemetery- do you have to be a descendant to be buried there?
2C John, Glenn C: descendant, spouse, etc
Susan: Dr. John in Edisto has a free clinic on Tuesday & Thursday, 8 am - 5 pm
Call first: (843) 871-2106
You can usually get a same-day appointment
2C John: it’s just for those in need financially, isn’t it?
Chief Hatcher: will find out
Next meeting: 7/8/2022
Glenn motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.
Glenn- yes, Marie- yes, Marion-yes, Chris- yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 6/30/2022 at 4:13 pm