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May 2022 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/06/2022 held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Robert, Glenn, Marie, and Dalton were present. VC Cheryl, 2C Alan, 2C John present. Elder Larry was present. Members Starla C, Mathea A, Nancy J, and Kevin D present. 2C John served as a proxy for CM Susan. Members Jeanie W and Iris E joined later.

  2. Financial Report (as of 5/05/2022 and 11:20 pm)

    1. General Fund: $15,565.42

    2. Building Fund: $4281.29

    3. Cemetery Fund: $100.00

  3. Old Business

    1. Online Votes

      1. 4/11 Approve giving Joey Watford $1848.96 from Cemetery Fund for fence materials

        1. Susan (2C John)-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

      2. Approve April Meeting Summary

        1. Susan (2C John)-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

  4. New Business

    1. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

        1. Received 2 loads of broken tile from Mr. Charles (approximately 28k pounds)

      2. Pauwau: Dalton & Michelle

        1. Most demonstrator contracts are out

        2. Working through the budget

        3. Checking price on P-o-P since Gary’s was bought out

        4. Vendor apps are being given out

        5. Cancel cut-off date is 8/31/2022

        6. Glenn: Hay & P-o-P will be more expensive

        7. Glenn: frybread vendor won’t make it

          1. 2C Alan: I may have one lined up

      3. Drum: 2C Alan

        1. Are we going to do school days?

          1. Glenn: that’s the plan

          2. 2C Alan: we need to practice

      4. Files: Dalton

        1. Need to reschedule this month’s meeting because people are going to the pauwau

        2. Need to clear the backlog of ID cards soon

      5. Newsletter

        1. 5/20 is the cut-off date for content for the upcoming newsletter

    2. Receipts

      1. Newsletter stamps

        1. $63.80 to VC Cheryl

          1. Susan (2C John)-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

      2. Cameras and SD

        1. $183.29 to Glenn C

          1. Susan (2C John)-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

    3. Cemetery Fence

      1. Joey Watford has received the check

        1. Current total in the cemetery fund that he has: $2820.58

      2. Elder Larry J: do the trustees have full control of the cemetery fund?

        1. Are they going point to point for the fence?

          1. 2C John: starting with the front and then connecting

        2. Nancy J: talked to 4 trustees and they all have different amounts that they need and the location of the fence

          1. 2C John: I’ll talk to Joey

      3. 2CJohn: Nancy had a couple of plots marked off, but someone removed the markers

      4. 2C John: there are no rules or regulations with the trustees

        1. Marion C: trustees need to report to Council every month

        2. 2C John: trustees need oversight/ direction from Council

      5. Nancy J: If I put another marker again and it’s been there 6-8 months, will it be an issue?

        1. 2C John: there are no official appointments of plots

        2. Elder Larry J: the trustees said just to put a marker down

        3. 2C John: I’ll talk to Joey; there needs to be accountability

    4. 2C John

      1. CCU Keenan Library Archiving Project

        1. CCU is building a new library and ant to archive our history in the current one

        2. Most of our documents are in Drive; need to decide on how much to share

        3. Richard and Wayne T have arrowheads to add

        4. Mathea, Iris, and Nancy Basket will donate pieces of art

        5. Need more works of art and video

          1. We will be doing interviews during the pauwau and solstice events

          2. 2C John: will you create a smudge kit?

          3. Marion: yes

    5. 2C Alan

      1. Dr. Andrews is retiring on 6/21/2022; you can get free eye exams from him in Bishopville until then

    6. CoC Dalton

      1. Question about Joey Watford and CMA Recognition Committee Appointment

        1. The current membership fees resolution doesn’t specifically say that this position is exempt from fees

          1. I’d like to change the resolution so that elected and appointed positions are covered

          2. 2C John: motion on behalf of the executive and legislative branches for services for the Waccamaw Indian People, membership fees are covered

          3. Glenn: seconded, with a volunteer time sheet to track time

          4. Susan (2C John)-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

    7. Marion

      1. Ms. Georgia C’s ashes were added to the fire circle

    8. Mathea

      1. We will get a round pin from Tractor Supply this year

        1. Nancy J: how big?

          1. Mathea: average size 10 or 16 panels

          2. It will hold 1-2 horses

2C John motioned to close the meeting; Glenn seconded.

Susan (2C John)-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/22/2022 at 9:57 pm


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