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October 2022 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/07/2022 held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CMs Marion, Susan, Marie, and CoC Dalton were present. Elders Glenn T, Charles H, Larry J, CoE Becky present.Vice Chief Cheryl, 2C John, and Chief Hatcher present. Members Nancy, Carol H, Karen R, Carolyn M, and Betty L were present. Christina O present. CM’s Glenn C and Chris H arrived late.

  2. Legal Services presentation

    1. Worked 37 years in the legal field

    2. Courtney: worked with the Choctaw as a public defender

    3. Free civil legal services except for court costs (if not waived)

    4. Services include

      1. Consumer law, bankruptcy

      2. Education services- expulsions, bullying

      3. Family Court- custody, child support decrease

      4. Public benefits- Social Security denials

      5. Housing provisions- loan modifications, security deposit costs

      6. Health, Medicare, Medicaid, living will, free will

      7. Expungement

    5. Must be within 200% of the poverty line with the number in the household

    6. Grants for domestic violence cases

    7. Local- they are in Conway

      1. You don’t have to be served papers for them to help; they can help prevent lawsuits

      2. Build trust, want to be more active

    8. Chief Hatcher: You don’t do civil rights?

      1. No, we refer it to the ACLU because we can’t do class action suits

      2. We can help you find the right service like Appleseed Legal Justice Center

      3. Chief Hatcher: I was looking at allowing non-federally recognized Indians to use eagle feathers

    9. 2C John T: you help individuals, not the tribe (501(c)(3))

      1. It depends on the situation

    10. Marion: Do you handle NC cases?

      1. One in every state:

    11. Also have Youtube channels, pro se clinics

  3. Christina O: I offer a sewing class on ribbon skirts, dresses, etc…

    1. Worked with a tailor in SC

    2. Have a flyer with prices for supplies; the basic charge is $12

    3. Would like 3 people to show

      1. Nancy J: I’ll be there

  4. Financial Report (as of 10/6/2022 at 11:40 pm)

    1. General Fund: $18,406.30

    2. Building Fund: $3260.85

    3. Cemetery Fund: $407.00

  5. Old Business

    1. Online Votes

      1. 9/24 Approve September Meeting Summary with changes

        1. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

      2. 9/26 Request for a campsite for Ron Smith for 2 weeks with no office access

        1. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

      3. 10/7 Pauwau and Liability Insurance Policies

        1. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

      4. 10/7 Paint for the front porch for 2C John T up to $300

        1. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

        2. Check 1065 for $280.17 from the GF

    2. Cemetery Fence: is the gate completed?

      1. Chris H: middle of last month, it wasn’t done

        1. CoC Dalton: I’ll contact Joey W

          1. Elder Glenn: I’ll check on it

      2. Secretary’s note: On 10/9/2022, 2C John said that the people working on the fence are also working on the school system. They’ve only been paid for half of the job and will receive the rest on completion. The Trustees ask for our patience.

  6. New Business

    1. Receipts

      1. Fuel: $39.94

        1. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

        2. Check 1066 for $39.94 from the B&G account

    2. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C

        1. Flagpoles: Mr. Charles sent some stainless steel, but need someone to weld them together

          1. The cheapest one to buy was $79 for 16 gauge to $143.99

          2. I recall buying 3 new ones that were 13 gauge

          3. Elder Charles: Donnie said he could take it to the muffler shop and expand it

          4. Marie: I motion for 3 flagpoles up to $143 each + tax; Chris H seconded

          5. 2C John T: which fund will it come out of?

          6. CoC Dalton: B&G

          7. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

        2. Marion: where do we get firewood/ hardwood from?

          1. Glenn C: some at my place

      2. Arts & Crafts: Susan

        1. Nothing at this time

      3. Grants: VC Cheryl

        1. Tribal tourism grant due 10/24’ asking Dr. Dillian for help

          1. Feasibility study- have to think about a goal

          2. For $50k and cannot be used for construction

          3. CoC Dalton: do we need the feasibility study to get the grant?

          4. VC Cheryl: the grant gives the money for the study and tourism

      4. Pauwau: Dalton

        1. Head Man: David Perry

        2. Securing donations (ex: water, paper products)

        3. Vendor apps are being given out & coming back in

        4. The program book has been sent to the printer

        5. Aki will be having a mocassin/ ribbon shirt class if enough sign up beforehand

        6. Marion: need Chief to write on letterhead for water from Food Lion

          1. Donation from Dona M for $250 for PW

          2. Need sage

        7. Susan: Baby shower on Thursday after School Day for Courtney

      5. Drum: Glenn

        1. Need to practice

      6. Files

        1. Marie: I motion to open the roll book to make Emily W and Lauren McCall full members; Marion seconded

        2. Susan: I would like to tag on to that and add Steven Coffey

        3. VC Cheryl: and Philip and Kayla Davis

        4. Chief Hatcher: any apps sent out now must have the tribal seal on it

        5. Susan: I motion to open the roll book for those 5 names; Marion seconded

          1. Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

      7. Newsletter: Carolyn M

        1. All went out with ballots

        2. Need the next information by 11/18

        3. If I’m going to pay for postage, I need labels

        4. Susan: 7 came back to me

          1. The easiest way to make them is into a book 11 x 17 instead of sheets

        5. Carolyn: Why can’t we put them in an envelope? It would look more professional

          1. Susan: It would cost more

          2. Carolyn: we’re paying for the stamps

        6. VC Cheryl: it has to be an even number of pages so the seal and address will be on the outside

    3. VC Cheryl

      1. SC Native Plant Society

        1. 10/29 Annual meeting to discuss native SC plants and their use as medicine

          1. Held in Chesterfield, SC this year

    4. 2C John T

      1. We need to replace the windows in this building; the glass is being held in with paint and molding

      2. The kitchen floor needs replacing

      3. The back door and deck need work

      4. A history presentation will be held at Carolina Forest Library on 10/14

      5. We did a class on Wednesday for kids at the MB State Park, ages 4-12, homeschooled

    5. Chief Hatcher

      1. ID cards need to be done

      2. Speaking in Bluffton, SC

      3. I have meetings over the next couple of weeks

    6. Marion: Did we get the sewing machines?

      1. Chief Hatcher: no, we still have to go get it

    7. Nancy J: Can we get some fire ant poison for the flower beds?

      1. Glenn C: Donnie H has sprayed them

        1. Nancy J: he missed them

    8. Susan: Stephen Criswell will interview elderly people about the tribe, their aunts and uncles, etc

    9. John Cox is helping the Navajo with water using trucks; he needs help and would like a donation bucket at our table

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.

Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 11/20/2022 at 11:19 am.


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